“What good is it to me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God fourteen hundred years ago and I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and in my culture?”—Meister Eckhardt


Week 3:

·         Bring your accordion book, and anything else you need to continue working on your book.  You should have layouts for page 1 and 2, and be ready to begin pg. 3.
·         Scissors and/or exacto knife
·         ruler
·         glue stick
·         cardboard or cutting mat
·         stamps, buttons, ribbons…anything you want to use or share with the group
·         anything you are thinking of using for your third page spread, on the theme of “Joy.”
·         anything you want to adjust or add to pg. 1 or 2, based on what the Lord is speaking to you about Week 3. 

Week 2: 

·         Bring your accordion book, and anything else you need to complete the first page on “Preparation.”
·         Scissors and/or exacto knife
·         ruler
·         glue stick
·         cardboard or cutting mat
·         anything you are thinking of using for your second page spread, on the theme of “Hope.”

Week 1
·         We’ll need images and words, which we will gather during our first session, after the meditation, so be prepared with magazines, etc., to look through during the first session.    
o   Collect by your ‘gut’ rather than your head; don’t think your way through this as you collect—let your eye be drawn by a color, a shape, a resonance in your spirit. 
o   Collect images that ‘speak’ to you—magazines, brochures, flyers, postcards, stamps, a cool napkin, a photo, whatever! 
o   Collect words: one word, a phrase, a Scripture, a line from a hymn or poem—anything that strikes you, captures the place you are in spiritually, whatever. 
o   ‘Overcollect’—it is easier to draw from a pool than only have a few; the creative process brings you down trails you never imagine in the beginning!
o   Tip: use plastic page sleeves to organize your collections; we’ll categorize by page spread. 
·         A sheet or two of some kind of heavyweight drawing paper, like Canson 180 gm. or very lightweight cardboard (it should be able to fold easily but still be heavy enough to stand up on its own, almost!)
·         Scissors
·         ruler
·         glue stick
·         pieces of cardboard (heavier weight) (optional)
·         ribbon or some kind of tie (optional)

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