“What good is it to me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God fourteen hundred years ago and I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and in my culture?”—Meister Eckhardt


The lyrics begin as a lullaby from Mary to baby Jesus… then become a dialogue between the two … and ends with Christ on the cross. A poetic connection is made between the infant Christ stretched out in the straw, peacefully sleeping, and the adult Christ stretched out on the cross, dying “to save wandering exiles from death.”
The song is performed (lip-synched) in the video below, from 2:21 to 4:51 (and quickly followed by an Agnus Dei sung by Anuna).

Here are the lyrics in Irish Gaelic and an English translation …
Adhraim mo leanbh beag tagth’ ar an saol
Codail, a linbh, go sámh
Adhraim a laige, a loime nocht faon
Codail, a linbh, go sámh

Inis, a ghrá, liom, id’ luí sa mhainséar
Inis cén fath dhuit bheith sínte san fhéar
Is tú coimhde na ngrásta ‘gus Íosa, Mac Dé
Codail, a linbh, go sámh
Codail, a linbh, go sámh

A Mhuire, a mhathair’s a bhuime mhín tséimh
Codail, a linbh, go sámh
Is mé coimhde na ngrásta ‘gus Íosa, Mac Dé
Codail, a linbh, go sámh

Ach go beo bocht a tháinig le mian ar an saol
Chun deoraithe fánacha a shaoradh ón éag
Is nuair ‘chrochfar in airde mé claonfaid chugam féin
Codail, a linbh, go sámh
Codail, a linbh, go sámh

English translation:

I worship you, my little child come on earth
Sleep peacefully, my child
I worship him, weak, naked and helpless
Sleep peacefully, my child

Tell me, my love, as you lie in the manger
Tell me why you lay stretched in the straw
You are a treasury of grace, and Jesus, Son of God
Sleep peacefully, my child
Sleep peacefully, my child

Mary, my mother and gentle nurse
Sleep peacefully, my child
I am a treasury of grace, and Jesus, Son of God
Sleep peacefully, my child

Desperately poor, I came with desire into this world
To save wandering exiles from death
And when I am suspended on high they will lean towards me
Sleep peacefully, my child
Sleep peacefully, my child

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